How to Master Social Sharing Block in Few Clicks – Ninja Gutenberg Blocks

The Socail Sharing Block of Ninja Gutenberg Blocks allows you to show teh social share menu on your website with a number of great features and customizable options and hyperlinks.  See the following example. 

Social Sharing Block of Ninja Gutenberg Blocks

There are the following options in the Social Sharing Block. 
1. You can show/hide which social media link you want to show or not. 
2. You cna change the Buttton Style (Icons Only, Text Only and Icons and Text both)
3. Button Shape (Circle or Square and Rounded Square)
4. Button Size (Small, Medimum and Large )
5. Button Color (Social Color Or Standard Color. )
If you need more options, you can contact oor support; We are open 24/7 and your demand will be fulfilled without any fees.